Crochet – Grouchy Oscar Coin Purse

While I was on my holiday, I was playing around with some stitches and different colour yarns. When I got back I thought I’d play a little more and ended up with an Oscar the Grouch-esque coin purse. This one isn’t completely finished – I haven’t been able to buy a zipper to fasten it – but it has been crocheted a couple of times by me, and I’m pretty confident that the pattern will work. I’d be thrilled with any feedback and feel free to share this patter around as well.

Note – At the moment, I only have US terminology for the pattern (that’s what I crochet in). If enough people are interested, I’d be willing to ‘translate’ a UK terminology pattern.

Downloadable Pattern


Online Pattern

Grouchy Oscar Crochet: Adventures of a Subversive Reader


Yarns – small amounts of green, light brown, white and black. I used acrylics
Hooks – 5mm and 3mm
Other stuff – scissors, yarn needle, zipper or other fastening, small piece of material for lining (optional), sewing needle and thread (optional)

Grouchy Oscar Crochet: Adventures of a Subversive Reader

CROCHET (US terminology)


Use green yarn and 5mm hook

Foundation – Chain 21
Row 1 – sc into second chain from the hook, sc into each chain in the row (20)
Row 2 – (crochet in back loop only) chain 2, hdc into 2nd stitch from hook, hdc in each stitch in the row (19)
Row 3 – (crochet in back loop only) chain 1, sc in each stitch finishing in the chain from the previous row, change to brown in the last stitch (20)
Row 4 – (crochet in back loop only) chain 1, sc in each stitch, change to green in the last stitch (20)
Row 5 – (crochet in back loop only) chain 1, sc in each stitch, (20)
Rows 6 – 9 – Repeat rows 2-5
Row 10 – 15 – (crochet in both loops) ch 1, sc in each (20)
Row 16 – 19 – Repeat rows 2-5
Row 20 – 23 – Repeat rows 2-5 without changing colour
Row 24 – (crochet in both loops) ch 1, sc in each (20), tie off

In green yarn, sc around the whole rectangle
Oscar Crochet Instructions1

Eyes (make 2)

Use black yarn and 3mm hook

Row 1- Make a magic circle, crochet 6 stitches into it, ss to close circle (6)
Row 2 – Inc in each stitch, ss to close circle and fasten off (12)
Row 3 – Use white yarn. Inc, sc around circle, ss to close circle (18)
Row 4 – Inc, sc, sc around circle, ss to close circle (24) Fasten off

Crochet (using sc) the two eyes together (about three sc)
Grouchy Oscar Crochet: Adventures of a Subversive Reader


Use brown yarn and 3mm hook.

Attach brown yarn on the outer side of one of the eyes

Row 1 – sc in each across the top of the eye, in the joining sc and to the side of the other (25)
Row 2 – ch 1, ss 3, sc 3, hdc 4, ss 5, hdc 4, sc 3, ss 3, fasten off

Grouchy Oscar Crochet: Adventures of a Subversive Reader

Putting it all together

Place the ‘purse’ so that the two brown stripes are towards the bottom. Use white yarn to sew the eyes onto the top. (Sew only around the eyes, not the eyebrows)

Grouchy Oscar Crochet: Adventures of a Subversive Reader

Sew lining to the inside of the purse if you’re including it (I’ve used red felt)
Fold the purse in half and sew up the sides as far up as you want
Add a fastener of some sort. I intend to add a zip when I buy one! You could also add a snap fastener, a button or velcro

Grouchy Oscar Crochet: Adventures of a Subversive Reader


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