All I Want For Christmas (and My Birthday)

Last week, I posted about some of the toys I discovered when shopping for Squirm’s Christmas present. This year, I’m putting together my own wish list. Christmas wish lists are always difficult for me, because I need to include enough gifts for my birthday which is 4 days after Christmas. Luckily, this year I have a few ideas. So, if you feel compelled to buy me lots of presents, here’s what I most desire šŸ™‚

Breastfeeding Necklace

Squirm is once again living up to his nickname when he’s feeding. Since he’s discovered he can use his hands, he’s been vigorously using them to thump me. These necklaces would give him something to do and are also available for him to chew on when he’s teething. They’re safe for chewing on and have a safety clasp on the back for those times he pulls really hard. They also look really nice – I’d love to go back to wearing necklaces again. These ones are available from MummaBubba Jewellery, which also does bangles and bracelets.

Anything From T2

Ok, I admit it. I’ve become a bit of a T2 addict. I blame their impeccable customer service šŸ™‚ Pretty much anything from the shop would be good for me. I love trying all the different types of tea, and the cups and glasses are gorgeous.

Books and notebooks

I’m happy with any notebooks from Kikki K or Typo. And nothing makes me happier than a Dymocks voucher šŸ™‚ Though these days, an Amazon voucher would also be awesome.


I’ve been really inspired by the recent blogger’s trip to India. So, this year I’ve added World Vision to my preferred charities. Other charities include the Smith Family, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, and any charity related to children and reading.

I’m sure I’ll think of other ‘must have’ gifts as Christmas comes along, but at least this is somewhere to begin!

What’s on your Christmas List this year?

Linking with TinaGray{Dot}Me and her Christmas Linky. Check out her gorgeous Christmas Table. I’m terribly jealous!


  1. Those Mumma Bubba necklaces are awesome. I loved mine with my Baby Boy. It was so nice to feel I could still dress up a bit and wear jewellery without damaging wither the jewellery or the child!

  2. I love those breastfeeding necklaces, and wish they’d been around a few years earlier to distract my littlest who used to check out something on the other side of the room, while still attached! I’m a jewellery obsessive and hated going without necklace or earrings those months. Making up for lost time now šŸ™‚

  3. I chuckled at Ness’ comment because I was wondering the same when I saw them šŸ™‚ Lovely gifts! I’m currently drafting my own for next week’s blog post. I find it hard sometimes to tell people what I would like.Thanks for linking up x

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